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Alpha Wear JA products. Proceeds support training for The Alpha Boys School students.


Alpha Boys School is located on South Camp Road in Kingston, Jamaica, run by Roman Catholic nuns. Established in 1880 as a "school for wayward boys" and the school has been offering musical and other trainings opportunities to the students.


The school is also known for having the big name graduates in the Jamaican music scenes such as The Israel Vibration, Rico Rodriguez, The four founding members of the Skatalites (Tommy McCook, Johnny "Dizzy" Moore, Lester Sterling and Don Drummond), Leroy Smart, Yellowman, Leroy "Horsemouth" Wallace ...etc.


- available sizes -  S, L, XL


pic model ; artiste Kabaka Pyramid / picture from Alpha Boys School 

pic 2 model ; artiste Dailey Bread from Judgement Yard in Trench Town Reading Centre Tshirts & artiste Dj Lyrics from Judgement Yard in Alpha Boys School Tshirts

Alpha Boys School Tee - ALPHAWEAR JA TShirts - Black x White (size S)

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